Mrs. Gaither's All Stars

Mrs. Gaither's All Stars

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reading Eggs

Hello everyone!  Our kinders are in PE so I thought I would check in and see who is doing reading eggs at home.  There is a link to reading eggs just to left under the hamster cage--just a little ways down.  Click on it and use the login and password that I sent home.  I sent this information home two ways...
First, it was in a letter explaining the site; and second, it was on a card taped inside their homework folder.  Our kinders LOVE going to this site--BUT--please remember they need to do the work by themselves because it is geared for their level.  Starfall and Literactive are good sites for you to share together!  They can also be found by the reading eggs link.  You will need to register for literactive--but it is FREE!

Please post a comment and let me know if you are using any of these sites at home!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy Sunday to my Kinders and their families!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful time with their families!  I was searching the internet today and I found a wonderful new website that I new you would just love!  Click on the link below and you can share a few books that we have read in the classroom with your family.  The best parts is...every book that you read is counted and a book is donated to a child in need.  Awesome, huh??  Make sure that your mom and dad sign up so the books you read together are counted.

Don't forget to let me know if you tried it, I would love to know what books you have read with your family!  Don't forget to count the books for your six flags minutes and your pizza hut book it minutes!  I can't wait to see you on Tuesday.

Mrs. Gaither

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Have you signed up???

I hope I have a lot of parents that signed up to receive updates through emails...this will work really well for me today because I have not had a chance to update a newsletter and print it off.  I left at lunch time yesterday so I could take Devin to his doctor appointment.  The doctor said that everything is healing nicely.  We didn't get home until late in the evening and we had teacher meetings during my prep time, so.....
I am not quite caught up yet!  The students exchanged books for their reading bags, but I was not able to copy the pizza hut papers.  We will color in some days because we have been reading a lot in the classroom and I know you have at home.  Homework bags are still being repaired, so I will get them to you as soon as possible.  Our kinders have been learning a lot in the classroom, so maybe that makes up a little for being behind in the paperwork??  Please forgive me!  I would like you to do me a favor...if you read this post, please leave a comment so I know who has seen it---THANKS!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ring in the New Year!

HELLO!!  Our kinders are at the library so I thought I would update you on a few things!
I hope that everyone had a wonderful break over Christmas and New Years.  This is what happened at our house...

We had an awesome time during Christmas and a little quieter time during
the week between Christmas and New Years' Day because Devin had 
surgery on his inner ear.  He had a cholesteatoma (skin cyst in middle ear) 
and needed to have it removed and the second and third bones 
reconstructed in his middle ear.  The doctor took some cartilage from
 his other ear and used it to rebuild the inner ear that had the cholesteatoma. 
 He relaxed at home and will be ready when his school resumes tomorrow. 
 The stitches will be ready to be removed on Monday and he should be 
able to go back to his normal routines.

I think you might notice your kinder moving a little slower tonight when they come home...we skipped rest time to finish our math and they are sooooo
TIRED!!!  These poor little kinders are not in the habit of working so hard after such a wonderful vacation.  I thought I was taking it easy on them, but it seems that I have worn them out!  You might need to take it easy on them tonight. We did a lot of reviewing today and will continue to review this week!  Report cards will go home on Friday.
Have you made any new year resolutions???  I am wanting to include an exercise program in my daily routine, but that hasn't worked well yet.  Maybe when I get home tonight I will have the energy to work out on the elliptical a little or maybe I will be brave enough to do a little ZUMBA...
I am going to try to post more on our blog, so please stop by often---or better yet---follow us!  You will receive all updates to this blog.  I promise, our kinders are doing amazing things and I will be bragging about them on here!  You can also click on our webpage-- to the right --and I will be updating important information on it as well.

I hope everything is wonderful with you, let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Happy New Year!